I know that; but, I writing a script, that can be used on different servers, which creates a directory and I want to
make certain it is created on the DOC ROOT. I don't want the user to have to test the ftp connection with a ftp utility
program first.
Jim Moseby wrote:
Can I assume that all ftp_connect()s will make the current
dir the DOC_ROOT?
If not, how can I insure the ftp root dir is the same as DOC_ROOT?
You can't use the absolute path with ftp.
chdir() doesn't change the ftp current dir.
if you ftp_chdir() and it's already on the root, it posts an error.
ftp_pwd() simply returns "/", which simply says it's on its
root, where ever that is.
The ftp_* functions behave just as any ftp client behaves, AFAIK. If you
log into the FTP server via your favorite command-line FTP client, you are
seeing the exact same behaviour as the ftp_* functions will see.
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