Merlin wrote:
Hi there,
I am thinking about creating a kind of adserver which is customized for
my needs. As I would be most confident in doing this with php, I am
asking myself if this is the right choice or if it would be wiser to
take a C++ aproach for example to get a higher performance just in case
the site grows fast.
Do you guys think that a php build webserver would be able to scale and
perform well enough for serving millions of adimpressions daily?
Thank you for any advice,
Just build the darn thing.
It is a simple script, if you find that performance is an issue, then
change your approach.
You can't tell me that your site will explode in usage over night and
you wont get the chance to change your design before things get out of hand.
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
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