At 5/16/2007 09:40 PM, Eduardo Vizcarra wrote:
I would like to know if a SELECT SQL query list of records can be unsorted.
SELECT statement retrieves a list of records from a certain table starting
from record # 1 till record #N and when publishing the records, this is how
it is presented, in a sequential way, is there any way to not present them
in a sequential way ? e.g. if a user accesses a web page then he will see
record #3 and then #7 and so on, another user accesses the same web page and
he might see record #8 and then record#2..... etc
Found on this page:
Posted by Boris Aranovich on June 9 2004 2:33pm
I am using this way to select random row or rows:
SELECT * [or any needed fileds], idx*0+RAND() as rnd_id FROM
tablename ORDER BY rnd_id LIMIT 1 [or the number of rows]
Meanwhile, I didn't stumble in any problems with this usage.
I picked this method in some forum, don't remember when, where or by
who was it introduced :)
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