Don Don wrote:
I am having a bit of a confusion printing the values of an array i have. When i print_r this array it contains the following:
Array ( [ValueA] => ValueA [ValueB] => valueB [TestValue] => TestValue [Errors] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ErrorId] => AD27JH [ErrorMsg] => OK ) ) )
I can get the values of ValueA, ValueB and TestValue but I am a bit confused at getting the values of ErrorId and ErrorMsg.
e.g. echo $arrayName['ValueA']; // will display the value contained there
am thinking echo $arrayName['Errors']['ErrorId']; // should display the value but it does not
Anyone wants to shed more light ?
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suggestion for next time. echo a <pre> or <plaintext> tag out before you echo your array next time
and you will then see the nesting of the arrays
Doing that would have made the answer to this question very obvious
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
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