Hi all,
I'm building a news display page for a website, and since the user has 2
ways to arrive there, I want to know if this is possible:
1) the user arrive at news.php
I will run a query at the db, and get the latest news to be the main one
(full display) and display the others news in a list
2) the user arrived from a link to a specific news to news.php?id=10
It should display the news with id = 10 as the main news and get the
latest ones to display in a list of other news
I've so far was able to add a dinamic WHERE to my query ( if I have or
not the id GET parameter ) and if I don't have it, I'm able to display
the latest result as the main news, but when I have an id as a GET
parameter, I have a where clause in my query and it will return only the
main news and not build up the news list
what I want is to separate the news that the user want to see ( the
id=XX one ) from the others rows, can someone advice me ?
Here is the code I have so far, I hope it serve as a better explanation
than mine!
$newsId = $_GET['id'];
if (isset($newsID)){
$whereClause = 'WHERE auto_id ='.$newsId;
} else {
$whereClause = '';
mysql_connect("localhost",$user,$pass) or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ($db_table);
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM tb_noticias $whereClause ORDER BY auto_id DESC";
$news_Query = mysql_query($SQL);
$recordCount = mysql_numrows($news_Query);
Marcelo Wolfgang
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