Hi, In my PHP page i upload pictures into database. For that i wrote a simple function which control which user is logged and will upload his picture. here is the function : CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_a_006("login" character varying, photo bytea)
RETURNS boolean AS $BODY$ DECLARE my_id INTEGER :=0; BEGIN select into my_id account_id from accounts where account_login = $1; IF (my_id != 0) THEN UPDATE users SET user_photo = $2 WHERE user_account_id = my_id; RETURN (TRUE); ELSE RETURN (FALSE); end if; END;
when i call this function in PHP, i do the following : $my_query = "select * from immense.sp_a_006
('".$_SESSION["username"]."','{$escaped}')"; $res_pic = pg_query(my_query);
where $escaped = pg_escape_bytea($data); this inserts the picture only if i add E in front of '{$escaped}' and becomes E'{$escaped}'). why ? on another website i do not use function but a simple SQL query as following and it works : pg_query("INSERT INTO photo (photo_id,document_orientation_id, photo_date,
photo_image) VALUES (nextval('photo_photo_id_seq'),".$orientation_id[0].",NOW(), '{$escaped}')");
thanks a lot, -- Alain ------------------------------------ Windows XP SP2 PostgreSQL 8.1.4 Apache 2.0.58 PHP 5