Nathaniel Hall wrote:
I have another question regarding running a system command on a web
server. Let me explain again, I am creating a login page that is to be
used on my local lan only. I am wanting to lock down a maximum number
of logins to up to 2 MAC addresses. I finally got the arp command
working, but now I have another issue with new lines.
The command I am running is system("arp " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "
| grep " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " | cut -b34-50");
The command runs correctly, however the output is directly and not by
using echo. I would like to be able to assign what is returned to a
variable so that I can do additional work on it. Any ideas?
system() is just like the C version of the function in that it executes
the given command and outputs the result.
Use exec:
exec() executes the given command, however it does not output anything.
It simply returns the last line from the result of the command.
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