I'll jump in on this one, because I've dealt with the div/object/iframe
frustration before.
And I would not be very happy if the W3C decided to deprecate iFrames
right now, at least with the current state of the world's browsers.
I found that with <object> I didn't have very much control over the
border frame (some browsers just refused to make it go away!), others
had problems with sizing, positioning, and margin control. Some
browsers even flat out refused to load the object data, but worked just
fine with iFrame.
From my own testing experience, my iFrames worked on IE 3, 4, 5, 6, and
7, all Mozilla-based browsers (Firefox, SeaMonkey, etc.) right from the
start of the Mozilla foundation up to the latest version of Sea Monkey,
and Opera versions 6 and 9.
As for <div>, isn't that just for defining blocks of content in the
current document? That's a whole different thing than <object> and
<iframe>, which are used for embedding an entirely new document into the
current one. You're comparing apples to oranges here.
Al wrote:
Provide an example of an iFrame that will work on all modern browsers
and that can't be done with DIVs or OBJECTS
Stut wrote:
Al wrote:
iFrames are obsolete and only IE handles them. I don't even know if
IE7 does.
Well that's just a complete load of rubbish. The iframe tag is not
obsolete, and I don't know where you got the idea that they are.
Several legitimate uses for iframes exist, and they're unlikely to go
away any time soon.
Use css <div> tags instead.
They don't do the same thing, not by a long shot.
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