PHP Users,
I am developing a content management system, and one of the goals is to
separate out the design entirely from the PHP scripting and content.
All the PHP scripts which contain the logic that drives the site are all
in the web site's root directory, where the main index.php is located.
The site uses an .htaccess file that creates "user friendly URLs", so
basically every time a user does anything on the site, it goes through
The intention is for the designer of the site to only have access to a
subdirectory of the site called "layout". If the designer wants, he or
she can have multiple styles, which would each be in their own
subdirectories. So, for example, there might be a /layout/styleOne
directory, and a /layout/styleTwo directory.
The way a designer builds a style is with a file called "layout.php".
This file contains blocks of HTML code that the designer can manipulate
in order to customize the layout of the site. For example, that file
would be located at /layout/styleOne/layout.php.
Right now, if the designer of the site wants to make a call to an
external CSS style sheet within layout.php, the designer has to write in
the whole path, relative to the index.php file. For example:
<style type="text/css">
@import "/layout/styleOne/style.css";
But I'd like to make it so that the designer doesn't need to ever think
about paths, and can state the path to the CSS file relative to
layout.php, and not relative to index.php. Like so:
<style type="text/css">
@import "style.css";
What happens is that index.php includes a file called include.php. That
file in turn includes all the PHP scripts on the site. That file
includes another file called Page.php which has a way of including
layout.php depending on what style the page needs. For example, styleOne
or styleTwo.
That's a long linear string of includes, but bottom line is, if I'm
correct, that the index.php ultimately includes layout.php, and
layout.php therefor acts as if it were in the same directory as index.php.
I hope I have described the situation adequately.
My question is, as implied above:
Can I somehow manipulate any of the PHP scripts involved so that the
HTML within layout.php will look first in it's own directory for
inclusion of files, such as CSS and javascript and anything else?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Dave M G
Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn
Kernel 2.6.20-15-generic
Pentium D Dual Core Processor
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