Don't know your problem but:
if $totalTime is total length in seconds
$minutes = floor($totalTime / 60);
$seconds = $totalTime % 60;
Sebe skrev:
maybe someone can figure why sometimes i get negative values for seconds..
$job['finished'] and $job['finished'] are both unix timestamp.
i subtract both to get how many seconds some thing took.. well you
should be able to read the rest. sometimes it works fine but other times
i get negative seconds.
$job['run_time'] = ($job['finished'] - $job['started']);
$minutes = number_format($job['run_time'] / 60, 0, '', '');
// seconds left after calculating minutes
$seconds = (($job['run_time']- 60) * $minutes);
$job['runtime'] = $minutes . ' mins ' . $seconds . ' secs';
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