Richard Lynch wrote:
You could confirm what you have on YOUR setup with:
<?php phpinfo();?>
faster and with more assurance of correctness than any mailing list
Yeah! Hehe. I feel like such a noob. I can not believe I did not think
of that first. Lol.
Here is what phpinfo() had to say:
Server API: CGI/FastCGI
Virtual Directory Support: disabled
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
And I just got this response from DH today:
"... Yes...I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we are running php
as CGI. ..."
Very nice of them to respond so fast... Very friendly reply. Seems like
a great host if you are not as concerned about up-time/down-time and are
on a tight budget.
It works fine for me, but I'm only using DreamHost as the back-end of
an N-tier audio server for a web-site that doesn't actually live on
Ahh. I see.
Actually, dreamhost is only the primary, and there's a fail-safe
roll-over to another box if dreamhost goes down. (again)
Ahhhhhhh, hehe. Good call on the backup server. I have never built a big
enough site to where I needed a backup server "just in case." Probably a
very good idea though. :)
Thanks fo ryou reply Richard, I greatly appreciate the help!
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