Paul Scott wrote:
On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 23:22 -0700, Jim Lucas wrote:
Has anybody else seen this style of syntax?
I don't think that its really useful for anything, except maybe creating
overly complex SQL queries.
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What about using it for math?
Here is the other example that I worked up.
class Math {
function __construct() {
function in($num=null) {
if ( is_null($num) ) {
echo "A number was not given on initialization.";
$this->value = $num;
return $this;
function out() {
echo $this->value;
function get() {
return $this->value;
function add($n) {
$this->value += $n;
return $this;
function subtract($n) {
$this->value -= $n;
return $this;
function multiply($n) {
$this->value *= $n;
return $this;
function divide($n) {
$this->value /= $n;
return $this;
$mObj = new Math();
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