marcelo Wolfgang wrote:
Hi all,
I'm new to this list and new to php programming so sorry if I do
something wrong here :)
Ok, now to my problem.
I've created a query to update a mysql db, and it isn't working, and
it's not throwing me any errors, so I need some help to figure out
what's wrong here. My code follows :
if($_GET['act'] = 'a'){
$action = 1;
} else if ($_GET['act'] = 'd'){
$action = 0;
$id = $_GET['id'];
mysql_connect("localhost","XXXX","XXXX") or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("taiomara_emailList");
$email_Query = mysql_query("UPDATE 'tb_emails' SET 'bol_active' =
$action WHERE `auto_id` = $id");
I think you want to use back ticks for the table and column names, not
single quotes. (On my keyboard this is to the left of the '1' key)
Another good idea when having query problems is to put the query into
its own variable and echo it out..
$sql = "UPDATE `tb_emails` SET `bol_active` = $action WHERE `auto_id` =
echo "$sql<br/>\n";
The page is executed, but it don't update the table ... I've tried
with the '' and without it ( the phpmyadmin page is where I got the
idea of using the '' ). Any clues ?
Also, how can I make a redirect after the query has run ?
Marcelo Wolfgang
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