Ave, This Works!!! <?php foreach (glob("vox/".$row['PHONE']."*.vox") as $value) { echo "<OPTION VALUE='takekey_download.php?F=vox/".basename($value)."'>".basename($value)." </option>"; } ?> Dug up glob() in the manual, followed examples and details works like a charm! Full code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function openVox(form) { var newIndex = form.voxSelect.selectedIndex; if (newIndex == 0) { //alert( "Please select a file to download!" ); } else { dlvox = form.voxSelect.options[newIndex].value; window.location.assign(dlvox); } } </SCRIPT> <FORM NAME="voxForm" STYLE="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"> <SELECT NAME="voxSelect" onChange="openVox(this.form)"> <OPTION>... Choose Recording ...</OPTION> <?php foreach (glob("vox/".$row['PHONE']."*.vox") as $value) { echo "<OPTION VALUE='takekey_download.php?F=vox/".basename($value)."'>".basename($value)." </option>"; } ?> </SELECT> </FORM> Thanks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rahul Sitaram Johari CEO, Twenty Four Seventy Nine Inc. W: http://www.rahulsjohari.com E: sleepwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ³I morti non sono piu soli ... The dead are no longer lonely²