Correction, please disregard previous post: Ave, This is actually a continuation of my previous ³Show files using Wildcards² thread, but a different problem. Code: <?php exec("find /Users/rjohari/Documents/XFER/espi -type f -name ".$row['PHONE']."*.vox", $files); foreach ($files as $value) { echo "<font face=arial size=1><a href='/Users/rjohari/Documents/XFER/osm/ESPI/".basename($value)."'>".basenam e($value)."</a></font><BR>"; } ?> The files I¹m linking to, in order to let the User download them, reside on a mounted share on my system. They are NOT in the Apache Web Server htdocs folder where my website resides. How do I make these files available to download if they are not in my webserver folder? Thanks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rahul Sitaram Johari CEO, Twenty Four Seventy Nine Inc. W: E: sleepwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ³I morti non sono piu soli ... The dead are no longer lonely²