rwhartung wrote:
I have this short php script: [op;ening <?php and closing ?> removed.
$db = pg_connect('dbname=bpsimple user=minitwr password=RWHart') ;
print $db . "<br />" . "\n" ;
if ($db)
print 'Connection attempt succeeded.' . "<br />" . "\n" ;
} else
print 'Connection attempt failed.'. "<br />" . "\n" ;
$query = 'SELECT fname, lname FROM customer' ;
$result = pg_query($db, $query) ;
while($myrow = pg_fetch_assoc($result) )
print $myrow['fname'] . " " . $myrow['lname'] . "\n" ;
This works fine as a PHP script from the command line, but wrapped up in
<html> </html> tags it refuses to connect with the database from within
apache. All connections are local host. PHP otherwise works fine on
the apache server and the code is identical on both the CL script and
the test.php web page. Ideas? Where to start looking?
well, how about showing us the code that doesn't work also, I know you
said it was the same, but what you have here is an incomplete script.
Show us the entire script that you are using from the cli and the web.
Also, give us the error, if any, that you are getting from the web script.
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