I found this on the zend forums. Hope it helps. function Dump($var) { if (key_exists($var, $GLOBALS)) { echo "<pre>$$var:\n"; var_dump($GLOBALS[$var]); echo "\n</pre>\n"; } else echo "<span class='error'>No variables named <em>$$var</em>!</span>\n"; } - Ólafur W 2007/3/9, Cefull Lo <cefull@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi everyone, Is there any function that return the name of the variable?? i.e. $foo='abc'; $bar=somefunc($foo); // $bar='foo' here Thanks -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GSC d- s:>++ a- C++ UL/B+++$ !P L++>+++++ E--- W+ N o-- K? w++ O? M- V- PS PE++(-) Y+ PGP++@ t 5 X R+>+++$ tv- b+++ DI++ D++ G++@ e+++>+++++ h*>--- r-- z? -----END GEEK CODE BLOCK------