revDAVE escreveu:
Hello All, I'm a newbie. My server just upgraded to PHP version 5.1.2 from php 4.3.11 MySQL currently is v 4.0.27 Q: What is the oldest - best/safest version of mySQL to use with PHP version 5.1.2.? The reason I mentioned the oldest - is because, for legacy clients, I would like to do the minimum upgrade to ensure best compatibility with legacy code ( mySQL and NON php etc.). If it is OK to stay on mySQL version 4.0.27 ... That would be good to know. Q: Is PHP version 5.1.2 - relatively " stable " version of PHP 5? -- Thanks - RevDave CoolCat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [db-lists]
The last release version of PHP is 5.2.1. The last relase version of MySQL is 5.0.27. You can use php 5.2.1 with MySQL 5.0.27 without problems. The system is very stable. -- zerof Apache - PHP - MySQL - Boolean Logics - Project Management ---------------------------------------------------------- Você deve, sempre, consultar uma segunda opinião! ---------------------------------------------------------- Deixe todos saberem se esta informação foi-lhe útil. ---------------------------------------------------------- You must hear, always, one second opinion! In all cases. ---------------------------------------------------------- Let the people know if this info was useful for you! ---------------------------------------------------------- -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: