Riyadh S. Alshaeiq wrote:
Kindly, don't neglect my email since I need your feedback desperately.
Sure, but first a question... where did you get the impression that
starting your email like a Nigerian scammer would convince us to help
you any more than we would without it?
1. I have been trying to find a php function for getting a file size
"not the size on disk".. Every script I have used comes back with the size
on disk result.. That is not what I am looking for since I am to show
visitors the size of files for them to download and I cannot have them see a
size that they download less, where that might have them thinking that the
download isn't complete or the information I have posted is wrong.. So, your
help will be highly appreciated.
The filesize() function does exactly this: http://php.net/filesize
2. I also need a function that gets the created date and last modified
all together, if possible..
You want the stat() function: http://php.net/stat
Seriously, how hard did you actually look?
With my best regards
With my limitless best wishes.
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