I host at Rackspace, and one thing that their monitoring service does
NOT catch is a problem when too many connections hit MySQL, and for
some reason it remains hung up until the service is manually
restarted. In the meantime, this is happening to us once or twice a
month. It gets hammered with a huge number of brief connections from
other Apache servers.
Slow queries and mysql_close() are NOT the problem. It's just too
many connections, even though they're super fast.
Is there such a thing as a PHP script that I can put on a cron job to
run every minute and make a test query, and upon failure, restart the
service and maybe send an email to Rackspace support? I don't know
how you'd check that the query was refused due to too many
connections, and I also don't know how PHP would restart the MySQL
Thanks... :)
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