I have a PHP clustering back end server, MCache. It is available in source form at http://www.mohawksoft.org It allows multiple PHP web servers to share session information without any changes to PHP code and without NFS or a database. It is based on a backend server mcached and a PHP extension. It is currently running on a couple websites and works successfully with packages like Squirrelmail (which uses frames) and a few other roll your own sites type things. A technical discussion of why mcache is a good thing is here: http://www.mohawksoft.org/?q=node/36 The "work in progress" user guide is here: http://www.mohawksoft.org/?q=node/8 Any people willing to test would be appreciated, as would any suggestions on how to improve the project. I would be more than willing to help deploy this project on your site to get feedback I can use to improve the project. Thanks. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php