Dear list,
today, I read in a german PHP forum about a problem with accessing an
offset of a string.
For example, if you have a variable like
$string = "this is my string";
and you want to access the third character at once, I would suggest to use
so this will return the "i".
The (german!) manual says about that:
*Anmerkung: * Für Abwärtskompatibilität können Sie für den selben
Zweck immer noch die Array-Klammern verwenden. Diese Syntax wird
jedoch seit PHP 4 missbilligt.
*Note: *For downwards compatibility you may use the array brackets as
well. But as of PHP 4, this syntax is deprecated.
The english manual says: (Link:
*Note: * They may also be accessed using braces like $str{42} for the
same purpose. However, using square array-brackets is preferred
because the {braces} style is deprecated as of PHP 6.
I'm a little bit confused by now. Which style should I pick? I use PHP 4
and 5. Is there any other difference?
It would be great if someone could solve that contradiction within the
manual, too.
Thanks in advance.
Sincere regards
Christian Heinrich
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