Hmm.. sorry.. just checked it now, and you're right..
The #id in the dump and the hash given by spl_object_hash() give a
unique ID among the objects instantiated in your process..
If you unset some of the objects, and re-create new instances of them,
you may get the SAME ids you had before..
The better is might be by giving a custom id like:
$ID = md5(microtime());
Eli wrote:
Every dump of the same node will produce the same #id.
Cloned object, is a separated new object which will have a different id.
The spl_object_hash function produces such an id too (32 hex chars),
which doesn't change if you change the object members.
Richard Lynch wrote:
I suspect that's not an "absolute" ID, but just an ID for that
particular dump. So it has no applicability beyond that dump...
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