Hey all,
I installed a new server with PHP5, but then had to
revert to PHP4 (attempted anyway) on a FreeBSD 6.0
install. I have PHP4 compiled, both the main BSD
port of lang/php4 and all of the extensions
However, the extensions, including basic ones like
MySQL are not getting loaded.
I have an identical server that is working fine that
was built some time ago, and the only difference I
can see is that the working server as options file
listed in
The server that is not working had a smaller file in
That did not list the additional extensions I
compiled individually.
The output of phpinfo() can be seen on each server at
bigskypenguin.com/info.php (working)
venomouspenguin.com/info.php (not working)
You can see that the venomouspenguin.com server the
extensions are not showing up, but I am certain they
are compiled and installed, because the make (s)
tell me so.
What I need to do is get Apache looking at a
directory, which I did create with the options file
listing all the extensions I built individually.
Can someone tell me how this can be done? How I can
tell Apache to load the extensions in that directory?
It is way too late, I am way too exhausted and going
to bed.
Thanks so much for any help. I've been tracking this
down a bit chunk of the day and my brain is now
total guacamole.
Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
61 W Broadway
Butte, Montana 59701
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