Eric Gorr wrote:
I haven't tracked this particular issue, but I know when PHP5 was first
released is wasn't recommended in a commercial/production environment.
However, a lot of time has passed and we're at v5.2 now...have things
changed? Have Google&Yahoo, for example, moved to PHP5? Or is PHP4 still
the recommendation for such environments?
It really depends. I'm sure I'll get some arguments about this but hey :P
If you're writing applications where you control or have a say in the
system environment (eg an internal system or you can talk to the
sysadmin about what should be running), then go for the latest.
If you're writing applications where you have no control over the
environment - that is, your target market is using shared hosting, then
you have to back down a little bit and not go for the very latest.
A lot of shared hosts still use php4 for whatever reason, so you need to
make your code work with that version instead.
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