----- Original Message -----
From: "Stut" <stuttle@xxxxxxxxx>
You call that readable??
$vals = array();
$vals['FirstName'] = 'John';
$vals['LastName'] = 'Smith';
$query = mysql_query(BuildInsert('MOD_LMGR_Leads', $vals));
function BuildInsert($table, $values)
foreach (array_keys($values) as $key)
$values[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($values[$key]);
$sql = 'insert into `'.$table.'` (`';
$sql.= implode('`,`', array_keys($values));
$sql.= '`) values ("';
$sql.= implode('","', array_values($values));
$sql.= '")';
return $sql;
I use to build SQL statements with a BuildSql function, which you can see
at: http://www.satyam.com.ar/int/BuildSql.php
It is commented in PhpDoc format.
For example:
echo BuildSql('Insert into ?ptable
Will return:
Insert into wp_table ('Something',null,5,'2007-01-21 15:54:27',null,0,'0
It is not only meant to build inserts but it is more like a sort of
SQL-oriented sprintf(), like it does proper handling of null values, such as
avoiding puting the text 'null' (notice the quotes) instead of the value
null. It also has a ?p 'prefix' modifier to use a fixed prefix on all table
As for formatting, I usually put the SQL statement in one line and the
arguments in the next one with spaces to align them vertically, which I
won't show here since the formatting of the message will ruin it anyway.
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