Re: Normalized Numbers

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Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> # jochem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx / 2007-01-12 13:39:59 +0100:
>> Roman Neuhauser wrote:
>>> # jochem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx / 2007-01-12 01:57:27 +0100:
>>>> Brian P. Giroux wrote:
>>>>> If anyone can help me out with that or provide any other advice about
>>>>> the rest of it, I'd be grateful.
>>>>> The file can be found at
>>>> keep commenting all your code to that extent! you do us proud :-)
>>> I find the *inline* comments superfluous and cluttering the code. They
>>> don't add any insight, they simply repeat what the code already says very
>>> succintly:
>> it is anything but superfluous imho - the comment describes what the line of
>> code *should* be doing - given that the code itself maybe changed (and
>> possibly broken)
> That's exactly one of the things that make comments dangerous: they can easily
> diverge from the code!
> Use lots of small functions, well named, with well defined tasks.
> It's easy to see where the code lies about itself then.
> Use automated tests. You won't need to check whether the code actually
> does what a comment says: the test either succeeded or failed.

I'm with you on that. I love the "modularity" of the language.

> I know it sounds crazy, but (most) comments are evil.  Comments are are
> excuses for better code, they're often no more than a vague repetition
> of what the code says. If the code doesn't describe what it's doing
> while it's doing it, then the code should be fixed.

Sounds like someone who is very comfortable with the language. I wanted
to look at some practical examples (something that was actually in use
as opposed to some examples from a book) so I opened up phpmyadmin. It
may as well have been written in a different language. I couldn't figure
it out and there weren't many comments to help me. I hope one day I will
be as comfortable in php as I am in English, but for now, I need the
interpretation found in comments.

> (Re "should": that word actually appears in the documentation comments,
> reducing their utility. "Should" is a human pronounciation of a
> nonexistent operator with undefined semantics, so I had to look at the
> code anyway.)
>> the comment serves as a mechanism to check that the specific line of
>> code *actually* does what was intended - with the comment there is no
>> way to know for sure that the logic of the code (even though it may be
>> syntactically correct) does what the original developer *intended*
> Comments are a poor tool to find out or enforce anything about code.
> Who put the bugs in? Humans. What makes humans better suited to find
> bugs in the code than computers?
>> I have found myself fixing logic bugs in code that I *thought* did what it
>> intended but in reality did something slightly different - related comments
>> help to remind me/you/us/them what the intention was regardless of what was/is
>> actually implemented.
> Perhaps the code had some of the bad smells Fowler (w/ Beck, IIRC)
> describes in Refactoring. Also, automated tests would be waaay more
> useful: the bugs wouldn't get in the code in the first place!
>>> Comments on lines #2, #4, #7, #10 only restate painfully obvious things.
>>> Who needs to explain that "13 == strlen($ean)" checks that the length of
>>> $ean is 13?
>> consider it not some much an explanation but a statement of intent (see above).
> See my objections above as well.
> Which line contains a bug?
>  4      // check if the digit is a valid ISBN-10 check digit
>  5      if(is_numeric($cd) || 'z'==$cd || 'Z'==$cd) {
>> secondly I, personally, find it useful to write a stub function with comments
>> in that describe the various logic steps the function will be doing and then later
>> actually write the code that accomplishes it.
> When I want to document a piece of code I turn it into a function.
> I sum up the comment I would have written into that function's name.
> If the code needs commenting then it's too complicated, there's not enough
> structure, you're using bad function/variable names, or doing something
> else wrong.
>> at the end of the day the ammount of comments written/used is somewhat
>> down to personal preference/requirements. that said comments can't really hurt
>> so long as the content of the comments are accurate!
> Yes. What tool (humans introduce bugs, I want something automated) do
> you use to enforce that the code never deviates from the comments?
>>>  1  function is_valid_ean($ean) {
>>>  2    return (13 == strlen($ean)
>>>  3        && is_numeric($ean)
>>>  4        && (0 == (digit_sum($ean,1,1,3) % 10))
>>>  5    );
>>>  6  }
>>> The last version tells me what I need to know, and tells it only once!
>>> The three lines are so little of so "uninteresting" code, (there's
>>> obviously nothing overly complicated going on) that they don't need more
>>> explanation than a good function name provides.
>> I dispute the value you give the comments - obviously the ability of the
>> programmer(s) writing/using the code determines to some extent the level of
>> comments that are useful -
> Yes, that's obvious, but there's a bottom. I claim that comments like
> these do the code and programmer no good. Come on, it's just a braindead
>     13 == strlen($ean)
> Everybody who has trouble understanding that expression raise your hand
> please! ;)

I'm a little embarrassed to say that when I started, that was one of the
things tripping me up, until I read the reason for putting the literal
on the left.

>> from what I gather your (Roman) own skills are quite advanced and as
>> such you probably *require* less in terms of comment feedback in code
>> you use/write.
> Thanks for the pat but I don't look my skills too high. For example, my
> skills at keeping comments in sync with the code or my skills at never
> misreading a comment are so poor I write (virtually) all comments in the
> form of code so that the computer can check everything for me. I know I
> cannot trust myself, too many mistakes every day remind me of that.
>> I do agree with you premise (& example) that the code can be made alot
>> more compact and thereby (imho) also more managable/readable.
> So you agree in the end.

Brian P. Giroux
Sénécal & Associé.e.s / Associates
Recherche et marketing / Research and marketing
Tél : (705) 476-9667
Fax : (705) 476-1618

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