echo 'Is String: [' . ( is_string( 'a1b2c3' ) && preg_match( '/[A-Za-z]+/',
'a1b2c3' )) . ']<br>';
echo 'Is Numeric: [' . ( is_numeric( 'a1b2c3' ) && preg_match( '/[0-9]+/',
'a1b2c3' )) . ']<br>';
echo 'Is String: [' . ( is_string( 'abcdef' ) && preg_match( '/[A-Za-z]+/',
'abcdef' )) . ']<br>';
echo 'Is Numeric: [' . ( is_numeric( '123456' ) && preg_match( '/[0-9]+/',
'123456' )) . ']<br>';
Why is the first "Is String" check returning true/showing 1? preg_match
should fail because 'a1b2c3' contains numbers and, as such, doesn't match
the pattern...
What am I doing wrong?
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