Raphael Martins wrote:
I will be sending files over my php script... One client asked me for a
project where he allow clients to send some large files (like 50mb)...I
thought that FTP (via PHP) will allow that.
Today he just give the FTP server user and password to his clients, but he
is worried about the security (of course!). Is there a better way? I was
thinking in split the files in several .RAR volumes... (actually, the
will send his .RAR files instead of a 50mb file), and use remote scripting
to upload each file separatly.
Eww, nasty.
Any Ideas?
Set the upload_max_filesize value for the directory where the upload
script lives. That would be the cleanest way to allow this to happen.
However, HTTP was not designed for uploading files of that size so you
are better off using an FTP server - this would almost certainly not
involve PHP at all. If security is a concern you could generate a
temporary FTP user from a PHP script that will get removed after, say,
24 hours. How you would do this will vary depending on the FTP server
you are using.
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