Ave, code: $db = dbase_open("osm.dbf", 0); if ($db) { $record_numbers = dbase_numrecords($db); for ($i = 1; $i <= $record_numbers; $i++) { $row = dbase_get_record_with_names($db, $i); if ($row['PHONE'] == $thekey) { echo ³found²; } else { echo ³not found²; } } } The loop reads each row in the database, and checks whether it matches $thekey or not. If it does, it prints ³found², if it doesn¹t, it prints ³not found². But this happens for ³each row² in the database. So if there are 100 records, and the program does find a match, I¹ll get 99 ³not found² printed, and one ³found² printed. I can easily put an ³exit;² after my echo in the else(), but then it stops the loop, and doesn¹t go any further. What do I have to do to get results if the phone matches, print nothing for rows where it doesn¹t match, but give one single ³not found² if the phone number does not exist in the database? The logic is just failing me at this point. Rahul S. Johari Supervisor, Internet & Administration Informed Marketing Services Inc. 500 Federal Street, Suite 201 Troy NY 12180 Tel: (518) 687-6700 x154 Fax: (518) 687-6799 Email: rahul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.informed-sources.com