Hi, I've burned my brain, checked other sites and come to a code that works. I ask you, please, to see if this makes any sense and/or can be improved. I'd really appreciate. Warm Regads, Deckard dbInsert.php: ------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php /* * class to make inserts * */ // includes include_once('/var/www/html/config.inc.php'); include_once('adodb/adodb.inc.php'); class dBInsert { // global variables var $table; var $sql; // constructor function dBInsert($table, $sql) { $this->table = $table; $this->sql = $sql; return(TRUE); } // function that constructs the sql and inserts it into the database function InsertDB($table, $sql) { print($sql); // connect to MySQL $conn = &ADONewConnection('mysql'); $conn->debug=1; $conn->PConnect('localhost', 'gamito', 'ble', 'wordlife'); // execute the insert if ($conn->Execute($sql) === false) print 'error inserting: '.$conn->ErrorMsg().'<BR>'; return (TRUE); } } ?> ------------------------------------------------------ testedb.php ------------------------------------------------------ <?php include_once("classes/dBInsert.php"); $sql = "INSERT INTO wl_admins VALUES ('',3)"; $dBInsert = new dBInsert('wl_admins', $sql); $dBInsert->InsertDB('wl_admins', $sql); ?> ------------------------------------------------------ -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php