Well Kae, if you reply 3 times let me also reply you once. What you try to suggest is a workaround. A workaround should not be needed for such a basic thing. Ever. The point is, \ should escape only the {, just like it does when you escape a variable like this "\$var1" In this case, \ only escapes the $. Even then, why does it output the \? Try this: ========================================================= $var1 = 1; $var2 = 2; print("\{$var1: $var2}"); ========================================================= It will output: \{1: 2} Why the \? Isn't it an escape character. If you try to get me thinking that this is normal behaviour, let's agree to disagree. PS: I'd like to see an insider comment on this, eventually explain the thought behind this implementation. Kae Verens wrote:
because {$var1} is a valid syntactical construct? try this instead: '{'.$var1.': '.$var2.'}' Kae
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