Have you tried echoing out your query to run on the backend itself?
Maybe there is some problem with how your join is being constructed...
Perhaps a left outer join is called for? Hard to tell without having
knowledge of your table structure and table data...
Dave Goodchild wrote:
Hi all. I am building an online events listing and when I run the
query I get the expected result set:
SELECT events.id AS eventid, name, postcode, start_time, dates.date FROM
events, dates_events, dates WHERE dates_events.event_id = events.id and
dates_events.date_id = dates.id AND dates.date >= '$start_string' AND
dates.date <= '$end_string' ORDER BY date ASC
...however, when I look for a one-off event the following query fails:
SELECT events.id AS eventid, name, postcode, start_time, dates.date FROM
events, dates_events, dates WHERE dates_events.event_id = events.id and
dates_events.date_id = dates.id AND dates.date = '$start_string'
date ASC
...if I query for that date in the dates table using this:
SELECT * FROM dates WHERE date = '$start_string'
I get the date record I expect. The second query above cannot seem to
for a date that equals the supplied string (BTW, all data has been
prior to interpolation in the query string!)
Any ideas why not? I know it's more of a mySQL question so apologies in
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