On 9/13/06, Rahul S. Johari <rjohari@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ok you may be on to something here. Everytime I was trying to chmod the permissions etcetera, the share was mounted, and that probably was the problem. What is a mount point? How do I set ownership/permission of a mount point?
With OSX i would doubt you need to be fiddling with permissions via a terminal, if you are you most likely are doing something wrong. Perhaps your mounting your drive incorrectly, that is something i cant tell you since no info abou t that was provided; perhaps seek avdise from serveral of the osx mailling lists to see what is going wrong and how to fix it, we know now that the problem of your issue is because when you do mount the share your permissions are 0700, and explains why you can't open the file. Also, if you insist on testing things on the terminal the best way would be something like: cd /path/to/dir/ sudo -u <user of apache> ls If that works then: sudo -u <user apache> less <file in directory> that would have explained your 0700 on your mount point. Curt. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php