Emil Edeholt wrote:
I would like to output an image from php where an input image is
textured and wrapped around a frame. Like when you assemble a canvas
on a frame (on, not under). So I get a sort of canvas looking texture
on the image and that the edges of the image are wrapped around the
sides of the frame in a 3d-ish look.
Your description is pretty ambiguous, so I'm going to take a guess...
I think what you're talking about is essentially doing 3D rendering.
Taking an abitrary shape made of polygons (the "frame") and wrapping a
texture around it to form a "3d-ish look"ing object...?
I'm not familiar with any way of doing it, but:
- http://pear.php.net/package/Image_3D might be a start
- http://www.icarusindie.com/DoItYourSelf/rtsr/php3d/ has a pretty neat
little writeup on how to do software 3D rendering in PHP. You could use
the same principles to do 3D.
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