At 11:43 AM -0400 8/25/06, Chris Boget wrote:
I'm getting the following error all throughout my PHP log:
[warning] [Unknown][0]: Unknown(): Unable to call () - function
does not exist
I'm not sure it's going to survive the mailing but it appears to be
a tab character after the 'call' and before the '()'. I've spent
days (not consecutively) trying to track down this eror but have had
absolutely no luck. Has anyone else experienced a problem like
this? If so, what was causing it for you and what was your solution?
Since function names can be variables, you might unintentionally have
a reference that looks like
$foo = $function($bar);
instead of
$foo = function($bar);
You can get a similar error with object methods ($foo =
$Obj->$method($bar) versus $foo = $Obj->method($bar)), but I believe
in that case you would get a different error ('nonexistent method
call' or something like that).
+--------------- my people are the people of the dessert, ---------------+
| Steve Edberg |
| UC Davis Genome Center sbedberg@xxxxxxxxxxx |
| Bioinformatics programming/database/sysadmin (530)754-9127 |
+---------------- said t e lawrence, picking up his fork ----------------+
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