Re: upload image

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Thanks for help, I find the error, here is the code of functions.php

  Upload an image and create the thumbnail. The thumbnail is stored
  under the thumbnail sub-directory of $uploadDir.

  Return the uploaded image name and the thumbnail also.
function uploadImage($inputName, $uploadDir)
  $image     = $_FILES[$inputName];
  $imagePath = '';
  $thumbnailPath = '';

  // if a file is given
  if (trim($image['tmp_name']) != '') {
    $ext = substr(strrchr($image['name'], "."), 1);

    // generate a random new file name to avoid name conflict
    // then save the image under the new file name
    $imagePath = md5(rand() * time()) . ".$ext";
    $result    = move_uploaded_file($image['tmp_name'], $uploadDir .

    if ($result) {
      // create thumbnail
      $thumbnailPath =  md5(rand() * time()) . ".$ext";
      $result = createThumbnail($uploadDir . $imagePath, $uploadDir .
'thumbnail/' . $thumbnailPath, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH);

      // create thumbnail failed, delete the image
      if (!$result) {
        unlink($uploadDir . $imagePath);
        $imagePath = $thumbnailPath = '';
      } else {
        $thumbnailPath = $result;
    } else {
      // the image cannot be uploaded
      $imagePath = $thumbnailPath = '';


  return array('image' => $imagePath, 'thumbnail' => $thumbnailPath);

  Create a thumbnail of $srcFile and save it to $destFile.
  The thumbnail will be $width pixels.
function createThumbnail($srcFile, $destFile, $width, $quality = 75)
  $thumbnail = '';

  if (file_exists($srcFile)  && isset($destFile))
    $size        = getimagesize($srcFile);
    $w           = number_format($width, 0, ',', '');
    $h           = number_format(($size[1] / $size[0]) * $width, 0, ',',

    $thumbnail =  copyImage($srcFile, $destFile, $w, $h, $quality);

  // return the thumbnail file name on sucess or blank on fail
  return basename($thumbnail);

  Copy an image to a destination file. The destination
  image size will be $w X $h pixels
function copyImage($srcFile, $destFile, $tmpSrc,  $w, $h, $quality = 75)
    $tmpSrc     = pathinfo(strtolower($srcFile));
    $tmpDest    = pathinfo(strtolower($destFile));
    $size       = getimagesize($srcFile);

    if ($tmpDest['extension'] == "gif" || $tmpDest['extension'] == "jpg")
       $destFile  = substr_replace($destFile, 'jpg', -3);
       $dest      = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
       //imageantialias($dest, TRUE);
    } elseif ($tmpDest['extension'] == "png") {
       $dest = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
       //imageantialias($dest, TRUE);
    } else {
      return false;

       case 1:       //GIF
           $src = imagecreatefromgif($srcFile);
       case 2:       //JPEG
           $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($srcFile);
       case 3:       //PNG
           $src = imagecreatefrompng($srcFile);
           return false;

 // This is were not allow me to write thumbnail in uploadDirectory,
problems with switch, case2:
// how to resolve this
    imagecopyresampled($dest, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, $size[0], $size[1]);

       case 1:
       case 2:
           imagejpeg($dest,$destFile, $quality);
       case 3:
    return $destFile;


  Check if the user is logged in or not
function checkLogin()
  if (!isset($_SESSION['isLogin']) || $_SESSION['isLogin'] == false) {
    header('Location: login.php');

  Create the link for moving from one page to another
function getPagingLink($totalResults, $pageNumber, $itemPerPage = 10,
$strGet = '')
  $pagingLink    = '';
  $totalPages    = ceil($totalResults / $itemPerPage);

  // how many link pages to show
  $numLinks      = 10;

  // create the paging links only if we have more than one page of results
  if ($totalPages > 1) {
    $self = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ;

    // print 'previous' link only if we're not
    // on page one
    if ($pageNumber > 1) {
      $page = $pageNumber - 1;
      if ($page > 1) {
        $prev = "  \"$self?pageNum=$page&$strGet\" [Prev]  ";
      } else {
        $prev = "  \"$self?$strGet\" [Prev]  ";

      $first = "  \"$self?$strGet\" [First]  ";
    } else {
      $prev  = ''; // we're on page one, don't show 'previous' link
      $first = ''; // nor 'first page' link

    // print 'next' link only if we're not
    // on the last page
    if ($pageNumber < $totalPages) {
      $page = $pageNumber + 1;
      $next = "  \"$self?pageNum=$page&$strGet\" [Next]  ";
      $last = "  \"$self?pageNum=$totalPages&$strGet\" [Last]  ";
    } else {
      $next = ''; // we're on the last page, don't show 'next' link
      $last = ''; // nor 'last page' link

    $start = $pageNumber - ($pageNumber % $numLinks) + 1;
    $end   = $start + $numLinks - 1;

    $end   = min($totalPages, $end);

    $pagingLink = array();
    for($page = $start; $page <= $end; $page++)  {
      if ($page == $pageNumber) {
        $pagingLink[] = " $page ";   // no need to create a link to current
      } else {
        if ($page == 1) {
          $pagingLink[] = "  \"$self?$strGet\" $page  ";
        } else {
          $pagingLink[] = "  \"$self?pageNum=$page&$strGet\" $page  ";


    $pagingLink = implode(' | ', $pagingLink);

    // return the page navigation link
    $pagingLink = $first . $prev . $pagingLink . $next . $last;

  return $pagingLink;

  Display the breadcrumb navigation on top of the gallery page
function showBreadcrumb()
  if (isset($_GET['album'])) {
    $album = $_GET['album'];
    $sql  = "SELECT al_name
                 FROM tbl_album
             WHERE al_id = $album";

    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, get album name failed. ' .
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    echo ' &gt;  index.php?page=list-image&album=' . $album . ' ' .
$row['al_name'] . ' ';

    if (isset($_GET['image'])) {
      $image = $_GET['image'];
      $sql  = "SELECT im_title
           FROM tbl_image
           WHERE im_id = $image";

      $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, get image name failed. ' .
      $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

      echo ' &gt;  index.php?page=image-detail&album=' . $album . '&image='
. $image . ' ' . $row['im_title'] . ' ';


Thank you again
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