Re: Downloading of PgSQL data for use local (crappy subject line)

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Hello Richard,

Am 2006-08-18 14:02:51, schrieb Richard Lynch:
> For LARGE datasets, CSV or tab-delimited transfers are probably going
> to be easiest to suck in to the DB.

No, they are only one ore more rows (~1-20) from the
"timeline_table" and the a row from the "projects_table"

> Another option is to just use pg_dump, if you want whole tables.

10 GByte is a little to much for little $USER.  ;-)

> Otherwise, honestly, I'd suggest you just export your data to RSS or
> XML and let the user choose how to open it up.

Hmmm, I have no experience with RSS or XML.  Do you have links?

And the, "let the user choose how to open it up"  -  ROTFL!!!

The $USER is the Typical OFFICE-Guy with ZERO clue about informatic

His/Her workstation has all installed to handel the downloads,
since ist a full Intranet system pased on PHP5.

> Even CSV export is better than PHP arrays, since they can open the
> stuff up in Excel if they want to.

Excel?  --  LOL, ROTFL!!!

Micosuck-Ware was droped for some (3) years!

Since we have encountered the Windows is calling home without the
$USER knowledge and since I am working for the Ministry of Defense...

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
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