Hi list, Yesterday I noticed one of the sites I had created was running really slow. Yet all the other sites on our webserver were running great. I had our network admin look at the cpu, ram usage, etc of the webserver and everything looked fine. Finally I just recommended we stick Xdebug on there to find out what the exact problem was. It boiled down to my encryption wrapper object. I guess there were too many MCrypt resources open at once. I'm not really sure of the real problem, but when I switched around some code to avoid unnecessarily loading initializing the resource, the site was zippy again. As I was developing locally everything was fine because it was just me hitting the site. When I pushed it to the server though there was quite a bit of traffic to it. So my question is, are there limits in PHP to how many resources can be opened? What about limits to how many MCrypt resources you can have open? This specific instance was a stupid mistake on my part, but I just want to know for future reference. Thanks!