Marcus Bointon wrote:
On 21 Aug 2006, at 04:55, Dave M G wrote:
So I'm looking around for other debugging options.
One oft-overlooked option: It enhances PHP's built-in
debugging features enormously, adds profiling, trace and coverage
logging, remote debugging too. The improved readability of stack traces
alone makes it worthwhile IMHO.
Be warned tho'. I have had several odd apache crashes when running PHP
as a module with xdebug installed. Totally inexplicable and very
confusing (not to mention it took me a while to be able to run httpd via
gdb successfully!)
If you're using PHP Eclipse, it may be worth looking at the Zend
alternative Eclipse plugin.
I've not hooked up the debugger yet, but it /should/ be good if it's
from Zend.
PS the all-in-one package is probably easier to get started with rather
than your distro's Eclipse package (took me about an hour to get all the
dependancies located and installed), tho' it does work either way.
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