I can run any external program like ls, cp, uptime...
But if a try to run my shell script a get error.
$passwdexe = "sudo /usr/bin/webpasswd";
$passwd="$passwdexe $user 123456";
echo $passwd;
$result = system($passwd);
Resultat from the web, "sudo /usr/sbin/webpasswd billy 12345678"
and from the error_log, "couldn't read file "./usr/sbin/webpasswd.": no
such file or directory".
Adam Zey wrote:
p.willis@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I am trying the run an external application with
command line arguments using PHP under linux.
$command="myprog $arg1 $arg2 > textfile.txt";
system("echo \"$command\" > test.txt");
I test my input arguments for the 'system' call by dumping
the command into a text file. I can then test the command in the
console. The commands work fine when run from the console.
The commands don't work when run through the system command.
I have tried system, exec, passthru, and shell_exec to no avail.
Am I missing some permissions thing in my php.ini file?
Thanks for any insight,
Looking at your $command, there is no path in front of it. It's likely
that PHP's shell doesn't have the program in its PATH. Try manually
specifying the full path to the command:
$command="/home/peter/myprog $arg1 $arg2 > textfile.txt";
(or whatever the path is)
Keep in mind that under linux, (unlike DOS), you CANNOT execute
applications in the same directory without a path. Even if the program
is in the same directory as your present working directory (which is
usually where the PHP script is located), you'd have to do "./myprog" as
a relative path.
Regards, Adam Zey.
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