Dave M G schrieb:
Shouldn't this regular expression select everything from the start of
the string to the first space character:
$firstWord = preg_match('#^*(.*) #iU', $word);
It doesn't, so clearly I'm wrong, but here's why I thought it would:
The enclosing has marks, "#", I *think* just encloses the expression. I
was told to use them before, but I can't find them here:
The caret, "^", says to start at the beginning of the line.
The first asterix, "*" after the caret says to use any starting character.
The space just before the second "#" is the closing character of my search.
The "(.*)" in the middle says to take anything in between the beginning
of the line and the space.
"iU" says, "be case insensitive, and don't be greedy".
So, it should start at the beginning of the line and get everything up
to the first space. But it doesn't work.
Where did I go wrong?
Dave M G
This is a quite good site to learn and test regexpressions.
Smileys rule (cX.x)C --o(^_^o)
Dance for me! ^(^_^)o (o^_^)o o(^_^)^ o(^_^o)
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