Yannick Warnier wrote:
Hi there,
I will soon need to include a database abstraction layer in my company's
software and I am looking for the best choice to make.
The software is promoted as working with PHP4, so I wouldn't use PDO,
although I see that a PHP4 implementation of PDO exists [1] and I could
use this one (any comments on that are appreciated).
So basically I'm left with PEAR::DB (or PEAR::MDB2) [2] and ADOdb [3]. I
have found a comparison [4] but it doesn't sound too objective.
What I'd really like to know is:
- does PDO come from PEAR::DB?
- does ADOdb really add value in comparison with PEAR::DB?
Any suggestion welcome, thank you so much,
The answer depends on why you need the abstraction layer. If you plan to
switch transparently between engines, then the SQL will need to be
managed to provide computable queries. I use ADOdb since it does a lo of
that management internally. All that PDO will do is give you compatible
function names, you will still need to change things FIRST/SKIP/LIMIT
manually for each engine.
Since ADOdb has always provided the cross engine compatibility I've not
looked at PEAR::DB recently, other than the 'compatible' functions
provided in ADOdb ;)
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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