I'm trying to programatically retrieve a sales tax lookup page using
file_get_contents() but the page doesn't return data unless a session id
is first retrieved and then supplied.
You can see how it works as follows:
The first time I send the following request:
I get an empty form back, and one of the response headers is Set-Cookie
with a value of, say,
If I then reload the same URL, the resulting page includes the desired
info, probably because the second time one of the request headers is
Cookie with a value of JSESSIONID=0001WQEmZF6tI-yClq4S9_7a8ii:10amela49
I want to get the second version of the page, the one with data, using
file_get_contents(), but it appears I first have to get the page to
return a sessionid and then I have to send it in a Cookie header the
second time.
Reading the first GET's response headers and sending the needed request
header on the second GET - in combination with file_get_contents() - is
just beyond me. Can anyone enlighten me?
John Gunther
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