Depends what you're saving it for. Either of those options works, although you'd probably find it easier to save to OpenDoc format rather than Word, as OpenDoc is just XML with compression (and used by every major word processor except Word). Saving just a plain XML file is the same as saving just a plain HTML file. It's just a string of text. You can write it to a file directly, or write it to standard out with an output buffer, than grab the buffer and save that to a file. Or if you want to manipulate it as XML rather than a string, use PHP 5's excellent XML handling or PEAR's XML libraries that mimic them on PHP 4. On Friday 28 July 2006 21:01, MIGUEL ANTONIO GUIRAO AGUILERA wrote: > Hi!! > > I'm in the need of saving to a file a dynamic page that I generated from a > PHP script, taking data from a table!! > > So far I have figured out two options: > > 1) Save the page as a XML document so it can be editable in a word > processor later. Do I have to write line by line until I'm done with the > document? > > 2) Use a class to convert & save the dynamic page into a Word document. > > Is there any other options available?? > Regards > ------------------------------------------------ > MIGUEL GUIRAO AGUILERA > Logistica R8 - Telcel > Tel: (999) 960.7994 > > > Este mensaje es exclusivamente para el uso de la persona o entidad a quien > esta dirigido; contiene informacion estrictamente confidencial y legalmente > protegida, cuya divulgacion es sancionada por la ley. Si el lector de este > mensaje no es a quien esta dirigido, ni se trata del empleado o agente > responsable de esta informacion, se le notifica por medio del presente, que > su reproduccion y distribucion, esta estrictamente prohibida. Si Usted > recibio este comunicado por error, favor de notificarlo inmediatamente al > remitente y destruir el mensaje. Todas las opiniones contenidas en este > mail son propias del autor del mensaje y no necesariamente coinciden con > las de Radiomovil Dipsa, S.A. de C.V. o alguna de sus empresas controladas, > controladoras, afiliadas y subsidiarias. Este mensaje intencionalmente no > contiene acentos. > > This message is for the sole use of the person or entity to whom it is > being sent. Therefore, it contains strictly confidential and legally > protected material whose disclosure is subject to penalty by law. If the > person reading this message is not the one to whom it is being sent and/or > is not an employee or the responsible agent for this information, this > person is herein notified that any unauthorized dissemination, distribution > or copying of the materials included in this facsimile is strictly > prohibited. If you received this document by mistake please notify > immediately to the subscriber and destroy the message. Any opinions > contained in this e-mail are those of the author of the message and do not > necessarily coincide with those of Radiomovil Dipsa, S.A. de C.V. or any of > its control, controlled, affiliates and subsidiaries companies. No part of > this message or attachments may be used or reproduced in any manner > whatsoever. -- Larry Garfield AIM: LOLG42 larry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ICQ: 6817012 "If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it." -- Thomas Jefferson -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: