Paul Nowosielski wrote:
Dear All,
I'm trying to set up an XML feed form our news articles. My XML is validating.
The issue is some of the articles have a weird encoding.
I wrote a function to do this for our product descriptions when sending
them in a XML doc to certain vendors. It's old, crude, but you're
welcome to it.
function convertString ( $string, $reverse = false ) {
$find_array = array (
"/ /",
$replace_array = array (
' ',
$string = htmlentities ( strip_tags ( preg_replace ( "/\n|\r|\r\n/", "
", $string ) ), ENT_QUOTES );
$string = preg_replace ( $find_array, $replace_array, $string );
return $string;
John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo
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