I'm somewhat new to this stuff as well, so take this with a grain of salt...
Someone else was hinting at this, but more directly, try running
utf8_encode() on whatever part of your data that requires utf8 encoding.
In the case of your example, you could just utf8_encode the test get
variable. To extend your example a little:
header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n";
print "<test>\n";
print " <origEncoding>" . mb_detect_encoding($_GET['test']) .
print " <utf8data1>" . utf8_encode($_GET['test']) . "</utf8data1>\n";
print " <utf8data2>" . mb_convert_encoding($_GET['test'],'UTF-8') .
print "</test>\n";
I tried this with: 會意字/会意字, which I stole from Wikipedia. I don't
have a clue what it means.
Mathijs wrote:
Hello ppl,
I have a big prob.
I have a page which post some input.
This input can be UTF-8 like chinese or other utf-8 chars.
Also i need it to return UTF-8 and it has to be xml.
For some strange reason this isn't working.
Small example.
PHP Code:
header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8');
print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'."\n";
print '<test><data>'.$_GET['test'].'</data></test>'."\n";
as GET var fill in something like ?test=éëêæ
This will break it..
Only Opera does a good job. Firefox and IE both can't handle it.
If i remove the header Firefox goes well.
IE Still can't handle it.
I Just need simple XML with UTF8 data.
This also breaks database saving, it doesn't save correct.
And i have mbstring installed.
Thx in advance.
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