|Found this on the PHP web site,
you can add the conversions as the first lines in the functions.
function callDuration($dateTimeBegin,$dateTimeEnd) {
$dif=$dateTimeEnd - $dateTimeBegin;
$hours = floor($dif / 3600);
$temp_remainder = $dif - ($hours * 3600);
$minutes = floor($temp_remainder / 60);
$temp_remainder = $temp_remainder - ($minutes * 60);
$seconds = $temp_remainder;
// leading zero's - not bothered about hours
if($minutes <=9)
$min_lead .= '0';
if($seconds <=9)
$sec_lead .= '0';
// difference/duration returned as Hours:Mins:Secs e.g. 01:29:32
return $hours.$min_lead.$minutes.$sec_lead.$seconds;
Chris Grigor wrote:
Morning all,
I am looking to get the differnce in hours / minutes between 2 values.
Currently I have 2 time entries being retruned from mysql, one which is a
start time and
the other which is a finish time.
$start = '13:12:17';
$finish = '23:12:17';
How would one get the differnce between these 2 times??
I have looked at using the following but am not to sure....
function timeDiff($firstTime,$lastTime)
// convert to unix timestamps
// perform subtraction to get the difference (in seconds) between times
// return the difference
return $timeDiff;
//Usage :
echo timeDiff("$start","$finish");
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