I figured out how to ftp a string into a remote file using the ftp streams wrappers. the code looks as follows (I leave out the definition of the [error logging] callback PLFTPServerNotifier() the prototype requirements of which can be found in the manual): <?php $context = stream_context_create(array('ftp' => array('overwrite' => false))); stream_context_set_params($context, array('notification' => 'PLFTPServerNotifier')); $retval = file_put_contents("ftp://{$ftp_user}:{$ftp_pass}@{$ftp_server}:21/{$filename}", $xml, 0, $context); ?> turns out my upload function is 3 lines long - pretty cool stuff this streams functionality :-) Jochem Maas wrote: > hi everyone, > > I was wondering if anyone knew how (if possible) I could take a string > and ftp_put()/ftp_fput() that string directly onto the remote server as a file > (without first saving the string to disk temporarily locally) > > I imagine that there is a way to create a stream that refers to the string > in question but I can't get my head round the streams functionality... > > Obviously saving the string temporarily to disk locally is an easy option > but I was kind of using the situation I have now to try and do something a > little fancy and learn something about streams. > > anyone with idea/pointers? > > TIA, > Jochem. > -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php