Jochem Maas wrote:
Scott Heinrichs wrote:
Hello all,
This is the first time I have posted an issue to this forum, so please
excuse in noob questions or statement. I am trying to create a table
from a string that created by a DESCRIBE TABLE query... this is the
generated string:
CREATE TABLE 'users' ( 'username' varchar(120) NOT NULL primary key,
'password' varchar(64) NOT NULL, 'level' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
then I use the statement:
$db is a PEAR DB object that has been set up with my database access
info and connects to MYSQL.
$stmt = above create string.
$db->query ( $stmt );
for some reason it is not creating the desired table.
Im sure the $db object has some error related methods that will give some information
as to the problem.
some ideas:
1. your using transaction and not commiting after the query
2. the user you connect as doesn't have 'create table' permissions
3. $stmt doesn't contain what you think it does.
4. the SQL is invalid (doesn't look like it though.)
no.2 seems most likely.
Can anyone give
me a solution or a reason why the above situation would not work. Just
to clarify that my Database info is correct I was able to generate the
create string from a DESCRIBE TABLE query so the connection works and
is valid and I have CREATE rights.
Ok... I can log in to the mysql padmin and create a table using the same
connection info. I am assuming this would mean that I should have create
rights when I connect through my script. I am not 100% on this and I am
unable to find out what my GRANT rights are at least not in a timely
fashion. My script currently checks for errors and it is not generating
$result = $this->db->query( $stmt );
unset( $stmt );
if ( PEAR::isError($result) )
$this->hasError = true;
array_push ( $this->errorMessage, "Error: Unable to create
Table in Database" );
return false;
This is a snippet from my code.... It should catch the error. When I run
the script no error is generated. Is there a better or more reliable way
to write SQL syntax for creating a table then the one I am using... here
it is again:
CREATE TABLE 'users' ( 'username' varchar(120) NOT NULL primary key,
'password' varchar(64) NOT NULL, 'level' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
The above line was captured from an ECHO of the $stmt variable so I know the $stmt is what I expect it to be.
I know that I am not using transactions.
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